Thursday, November 17, 2011

Can You Guess What This Is?

Another project to enhance our CSA capabilities.  Can you guess?  Watch for my next post!  Our CSA meetings have been quite successful.  Each meeting, more and more people are anxious to become members!  They realize the benefits of having fresh, farm to table veggies and fruit to feed to their families. We are so anxious to be their farmers!  God has blessed our 29 acres here at Eden Valley Apple Orchard and Farm.  I know that Tony and I never believed that this was the path that was planned out for us when we purchased this land in 2005.  Planting 2300 apple trees and 3000 aronia berry plants was a step in faith.  We are so thankful for all that has been provided to us.

Friday, October 21, 2011

There is a Stillness

In the past week there has been a sense of stillness here at the farm.  The apples from the 2300 or so apple trees have all been picked and stored.  Four hundred pounds of aronia berries are all harvested and in the freezer.  The strawberry patch is brown and ugly and the last pumpkin has been detached from the vine.  There is a sense of stillness at the farm.

While the farm is quiet, we are not.  We have decided to go forward and start a CSA for next spring.  What is a CSA?  It stands for Community Shared Agriculture. It is farm fresh fruit and vegetables from our farm to your table.  With a membership you are entitled to basket of "good for you" produce each week for 3-4 months.  We begin our informational meetings on Tuesday, October 25th.  It's a new adventure, and surely something to keep us busy preparing and planning for during the winter months. Check out this link for more information on what a CSA is all about  Then contact us for more information about our own specific CSA.